The world is always telling us who we’re supposed to be, but it keeps changing its mind, throughout time, throughout cultures. We can’t decide what makes a man a man and what makes a woman a woman. The message, the plan… It keeps changing. What if there was something else? What if there was something better, something that existed since the beginning, something untouched by time, something true and perfect? Join us as we dive into God’s Beautiful Design to discover our purpose, value and our Identity.
Week 1 – In the Beginning
Lesson 1
We learn about who God is and who we are.
“What is God?”
Answer: God is the creator and sustainer of everyone and everything. He is eternal, infinite and unchangeable in his power and perfection, goodness and glory, wisdom, justice and truth. Nothing happens accept through him and by his will.
“How and why did God create us?”
Answer: Got created us male and female in his own image to know him, love him, live with him and glorify him. And it is right that we show we are created by God and should live to his glory.
Take some time now to reflect and answer these questions. Don’t rush through them.
- How does it feel to know that you were created by God?
- What does it mean for you to be created in God’s image?
- Share with each other one new thing you learned about God or rediscovered thought you had about God
- Given that you were created by God, how should that change the way you view God? How does this impact your relationship with God?
Week 2 – Made in His Image
Lesson 2
Being made in His Image
Our big idea: “When we look to a changing world to tell us who we are and what our purpose is, we are given all kinds of answers. When we look to God’s Word, we find steady and consistent answers to our questions.”
- What does it mean to you when you hear that you are made in the image of God?
- Read over Psalm 139:13-14 together and share with one another something that stood out to you.
- “We are made in God’s image and this gives us value, worth and dignity,”
- What are some of the things in your life that are trying to pull you away from God?
- Scott shared with us that most Christians don’t have a gospel perspective on who they are…Do you have a gospel perspective on who you are? Have you been finding your identity in the temporary things or is your identity in Jesus?
- Spend these next few moments with one another and pray together
Week 3 – I Am a Child a God
Lesson 3
I am a child of God
- What was the first thought you had when you heard that you were a child of God? Was it weird? Was it awkward? Was it confusing? What was your first response to hear that you were not only a child of God but you were adopted into God’s family?
- Would your life look radically different if you knew that you were not only a christian, a follower of Jesus but also a child of God? If you said yes, explain? If no, why not?
- How does the gospel change our relationship with God? Think about what we’ve talked about so far, we don’t deserve any of this from God yet He has made this possible through Christ, so think about that question again, “How does the gospel change our relationship with God?”
- Have you responded to Jesus’ voice? What’s holding you away from responding to Jesus’ call?
- Take the next few moments to pray with one another, pray for your friends who don’t know Jesus, who are not following Jesus and pray that God would give you that opportunity to share the gospel with them and they would respond to Jesus’ call.